
I’ve loved photography since first picking up a camera as a young girl, and animals have always been my muse (fun fact: I’m also an award winning wildlife photographer). I’ve studied animal behaviour, training and welfare, and eventually decided to combine these passions to create Emerald Pawtraits!

I often get asked where the name ‘Emerald Pawtraits’ came from, and the answer is because of my dog, Dotty! She’s the inspiration behind everything I do and was the first dog I photographed in a studio. Being born in May her birthstone is the Emerald, so there the name was born!

Creating memories with Dotty is so important to me, quality photos displayed in my home to treasure every day, not just photos stuck in my phone camera roll that never get looked at again. As much as we don’t like to think about it, our pets aren’t with us forever, so I wanted to be able to create these memories for other people too, which can be cherished for life.